Table of Contents


Modern lighting offers fantastic possibilities, however, this also requires a powerful and intelligent control system. Effective light consoles are often unaffordable or are not really flexible enough to realise the potential of your equipment. DMXControl permits you to maximise this potential without the need to spend a lot of money. You can download and use the software completely for free. All you just need is one of the many supported DMX interfaces and away you go! You are not forced to pay for an expensive interface and with that pay for the development of the software. DMXControl offers an open interface structure so that many people can participate in this freeware project.

Some of the features that DMXControl offers to you:

Further Information

DMXControl Web Site

Archived Downloads

Only added by Admins and only uploaded to The DMX Wiki Domain for guarding against Spyware etc… for latest versions always go to the softwares Main Website first! DDF Creator 1.1 PDA Control software