Table of Contents
Cinetix USB DMX Control Box
The USB / DMX512 Control Box was developed with a view of expanding computer based multimedia projects by use of lighting techniques. Apart from the USB interface, it has the same functions as the RS-232 / DMX512 Control Box.
It can be operated as a DMX transmitter and as a DMX receiver simultaneously.
Merge feature: received DMX data are merged with user generated DMX levels to be retransmitted at DMX OUT.
In contrast to proprietary control equipment, the USB / DMX512 Control Box can be operated with any kind of software which is capable to transmit and receive ASCII text or binary data via a (virtual) serial COM port.
The USB interface is equipend with an FT245 type chip from the well-known manufacturer FTDI, which supplies corresponding (virtual COM port) drivers for Windows, Macintosh and Linux computers. With this USB chip the virtual serial port may be operated with any standard baud rate up to 115200 baud without the need to configure a baud rate setting. This way the DMX lighting bus is easily integrated into applications, which support serial ports together with a scripting language. Office-applications can be used, too when appropriate dynamic libraries are added.
In a most simple case - especially to set up or debug computer controlled lighting installations - manual interactive operation is possible with a simple terminal program.
Primarily all commands are sent and all feedback is received in ASCII text format. As an alternative to ASCII syntax, the most essential features of the box can be operated with a compact binary data format, which provides a higher throughput and easier handling together with some kind of control application.
Activity and mode of operation is monitored with a red/green dual colour LED.