Table of Contents
Enttec DMX USB Pro
Born from the Open DMX USB interface the PRO version is the ultimate USB DMX adapter for all computer based lighting needs. The pro is the fastest interface available with frame rates of up to 850 frames per second and is supported by all common operating systems.
- Micro processor enabled
- 1500 V full isolation (data & power lines to protect your computer from surges)
- 1 Input & 1 Output connector (there is only one DMX port though)
- RDM enabled
- Supports Various 3rd party Controllers/VJs/Tools
- Internal frame buffering
- Drivers for Windows, OSX and Linux
- Universe & user config EEPROM
- Refresh Rate configurable from 1 to 40Hz with a full 512 channel frame
- Break configurable from 96uS to 1.3mS
- MaB configurable from 10.6uS to 1.3mS
- Upgradeable firmware
Further Information
dmx_interfaces/enttec_dmx_usb_pro.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/12 22:03 by