Table of Contents
Cinetix RS-232 DMX Generator Box
The RS-232 / DMX512 Generator was developed as as a low cost and compact equipment to integrate lighting technology into multimedia projects, hardware based media controllers or even industrial controls.
In contrast to proprietary control equipment the RS-232 / DMX512 Generator can be operated with any kind of software which is capable to transmit and receive via a serial COM port.
Primarily all commands are sent and all feedback is received in ASCII text format. As an alternative to ASCII syntax, the most essential features of the Generator can be operated with a compact binary data format, which provides a higher throughput and easier handling together with some kind of control application.
This way the DMX lighting bus is easily integrated into applications, which support serial ports together with a scripting language. Known examples are Visual Basic™ and the Crestron™ media controller. Office-applications can be used, too when appropriate DLL libraries are added.
In a most simple case - especially to set up or debug computer controlled lighting installations - manual interactive operation is possible with a simple terminal program.
The range of use is not restricted to Windows-, Linux- or Macintosh computers. Suitable serial ports are available at many handheld devices, industrial controls or special hardware based media controls. In addition to the default rate of 115.2 kilobaud, 57600, 38400, 19200 and 9600 baud are configurable.
A green LED signals the presence of data traffic and sufficient supply voltage.